

Welcome to my web page.
This page is entirely devoted to East Prussian (Ostpreussen) genealogy,
in particular the Catholic area of Ermland.

If you would like to see an enlarged version of the map above please look here.


Ermland was a predominately Catholic area of East Prussia which ceased to be in 1945.

Only 12.8% of East Prussia (Ostpreussen) was catholic.

(Much of Ermlands Catholic church records have been microfilmed by the Mormons-LDS and are held at their "Family History Centres" worldwide and may be viewed by anyone)(Find a link to one of their sites on my Links page)

The area now belongs to Poland.

Part of Ermland is now in the Polish Province of Olsztyn. (This province has a genealogy site attached to it which you can find in my Links page. Listed below you will find some town names from the map above with their Polish present day equivelants.


I will not even attempt to give you a History of East Prussia or Ermland, as there are many sources on the internet which already cover this topic. (You can find some of these sites on my Links page.


The FEEHFS web page has maps which you can view. See my links page for a link to them.

On the front page of this site is a Map of East Prussia. Above is a Map of a part of Ermland and some surrounding towns outside of Ermland.

As both Maps have been drawn up by me from other maps they do not represent all towns or villages within the given areas. Also the scale may not be completely accurate.

These maps where designed as a guide only , to illustrate the area of my search. Most of the towns significant to my search at this stage are shown. I hope to add more towns as time permits.


This is a list of some towns and villages in the area shown above with their current day Polish names.

I found the Polish names for the East Prussian equivalents on a Internet site called "Jewish Gen -Your guide to Jewish Genealogical Research"( Don't let the name fool you - I am not researching any Jewish names, yet I have found this site vitally important in my search. See more about this site in my Links page .)

German names followed by present day Polish name.

Adlig Wolka - Wolka Szlachecka

Bansen - Besia

Begnitten - Biegonity

Bergenthal - Gorowo

Bewernick - Bobrownik

Beyditten -

Bischofstein - Bisztynek

Blankensee - Blanki

Bleichenbarth - Bartniki

Blumenau - Czarny Kierz

Borchertsdorf - Burkaty

Burgerdorf - Miejska Wies

Charlottenberg - Klekotki

Damerau - Dabrowa

Elsau - Olszewnik

Fleming - Fraczki

Frankenau - Frankowo

Freudenberg - Radostowo

Furstenau - Ksiezno

Gallingen - Galiny

Gerthen - Kokoszewo

Glandau - Glady

Glockstein - Unikowo

Grommels - Gromki

Gross Boessau - Biesowo

Grossendorf - Wielochowo

Gross Koellen - Kolno

Gross Lemkendorf - Lamkowo

Gross Wolken - Wolka Wielka

Hanshagen - Janikowo

Heiligenfelde - Swietnik

Heilsberg - Lidzbark Warminski (Licbark)

Heinrichsdorf - Wojkowo

Jegothen - Jagoty

Kabienen - Kabiny

Katzen - Kotowo

Kekitten - Kikity

Kerschdorf - Kiersnowo

Kerschen - Kierz

Kerwienen - Kierwiny

Kiwitten - Kiwity

Klackendorf - Troszkowo

Kleiditten - Klejdyty

Klein Bossau - Biesowko

Kleisack - Zarebiec

Klotainen - Klutajny

Knipstein - Knipy

Kobeln - Kobiela

Kolm - Chelm

Konitten - Konity

Konnegen - Koniewo (Borchertsdorf)?

Kraftshagen - Krawczyki

Kraemersdorf - Kramarzewo

Krausen - Kruzy

Krausenstein - Kukliki

Krekollen - Krekole

Krokau - Krokowo

Landau - Ladek

Langwiese - Dlugoleka

Launau - Laniewo

Lauterhagen - Samolubie

Lautern - Lutry

Lawden - Lauda

Lekitten - Lekity

Liewenberg - Milogorze

Linglack - Ledlawki

Lokau - Tlokowo

Maraunen - Maruny

Markein - Markajmy

Medien - Medyny

Modlainen - Modliny

Napratten - Napraty

Neuendorf - Nerwiki

Nossberg - Orzechowo

Parkitten - Parkity

Petershagen - Pieszkowo

Plausen - Paluzy

Polkeim - Polkajmy

Polpen - Polapin

Porwangen - Pierwagi

Pomarschen - Powiersze

Prositten - Prosity

Pudelkeim - Pudlikajmy

Raunau - Runowo

Rehagen - Sarnowo

Reichenberg - Kraszewo

Reichsen - Rejsy

Reimerswalde - Ignalin

Retsch - Redy

Roggenhausen - Rogoz

Rosenschoen - Nowa Wies Reszelska

Santoppen - Satopy

Sauerbaum - Zerbun

Scharnigk - Zaedeniki

Schellen - Ryn Reszelski

Schonborn - Studnica

Schoneberg - Dabrowa Wysoka

Schonwalde - Warmiany

Schonwiese - Miedzylesie

Schulen - Sulowo

Seeburg - Jeziorany

Settau - Zytowo

Siegfriedswalde - Zegoty

Sieslack - Piaseczno

Soritten - Suryty

Springborn - Stoczek

Sternberg - Stryjkowo

Sturmhuebel - Grzeda

Stolzhagen - Kochanowka

Sussenberg - Jarandowo

Teistimmen - Tejstymy

Thegsten - Rokitnik

Tollnigk - Tolniki Wielkie

Trautenau - Trutnowo

Voigtsdorf - Wojtowo

Waldensee - Piszewo

Walkeim - Wilkiejmy

Wangst - Wagsty

Wernegitten - Klebowo

Wonneberg - Studzianka

Workeim - Workiejmy

Wosseden - Nowosady

Wuslack - Wozlawki

Zandersdorf - Swedrowka

Zehnhuben - Kostrzewy

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